
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

About Muslim News Minnesota

Founded June 2013 as an outlet for Muslims, by Muslims and about Muslims. A small news and educational outlet intended for muslims to stay informed about Islam and what is going on in the Muslim Ummah(community).

Vision Statement: Bismillah, the vision of Muslim News MN is to see a new outlet which provides accurate information on islam and news, on the muslim community. It is also part of our vision to act as a progressive Muslim News and Media outlet based at the local level, helping the Muslim and interfaith dialog between communities move forward through true accurate info.

Mission Statement: The mission of Muslim News MN is to implement our vision while also keeping a high standard of excellence in all of our work.

Project Description: The goal of Muslim News MN is to increase the amount of reliable high standard news and information with in the Muslim Ummah, educate other's on the what the majority of Muslim communities are doing these days in the process. Not what big business mass media tries to portray what a few bad individuals choose to do. Though we are a newer News organization, we have generated some of the highest interest with in a few of the neighborhood Ummahs here in MN over the past few months with just word of mouth and social media. As we continue to grow we keep to our beliefs as a faith based organization, innovating while not over stepping our bounds. Holding to the fact that even though the world around us changes our beliefs don't.

Human connections between muslims and non-muslims have become strained. The dialog has become such as, that most at the table either completely dislike one another based on personal misinformed bios, or look only to the past, not seeing that even though every one should hold strong to their beliefs yet their beliefs need to be put in to context with today's times. Muslim News MN's passion is to create a place and atmosphere to bring about positive change. First of all by bring New's and educational information to the public of Muslims and non-Muslims in order to allow for an un-bios dialog between faiths and communities, social and economic groups. Also to restore the respect of one another caused by generational differences, between the young and old.